“It is possible that the two yutes–”
“Ah, the two what? Uh… uh, what was that word?”
“Uh… what word?”
“Two what?”
“Uh… did you say ‘yutes’?”
“Yeah, two yutes.”
“What is a yute?”
“Oh, excuse me, your honor…two youths.”Vinny Gambini and Judge Chamberlain Haller, My Cousin Vinny
Final Conclusion
While no one can know the future, in the face of adversity, we all continue to fight. As a dear friend of mine (and Anthropology PhD holder) says, “We can do hard things.”
“Hard things” are indeed what I’ve done, and continue to do. There will always be difficulties, challenges, and setbacks, but the human spirit endures, and I refuse to give up on the things that I believe in. Appearances change, people grow old, places and periods cease to exist as we once knew them, and still, we continue to press on. We will all continue to fly higher until we are scattered from the “aeroplane over the sea,” (Neutral Milk Hotel, 1998).
Neutral Milk Hotel. (1998). In the aeroplane over the sea [Song]. On In the aeroplane over the sea [Album]. Merge Records.
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Rae Eggleston, MLIS
San Jose State University